2022.11.29 16:18“Archeaology of a Retro-Future”Drawings and performance for a project in France.“Archeaology of a Retro-Future”#MondesNouveauxIdeas in the initial stages. drawing by #mika...
2022.03.01 05:55Psychotropism part 2Psychotropism part 2with New-territories, RMIT UnivercitySydney AustraliaMovie / Performance/ mesmerizing spirogyra / Sydney on 10days_UTS e...
2019.02.16 08:00Coding Swarm Voices / Thailand-------------------------------------------------------------- Mika Tamori / LOW Fat Art Fest. Bangkok LIVE Performance / 15-16-17 Feb / 5-...
2018.07.26 15:05mind[e]scape / Japan Echigotsumari triennaleYou are welcomed to come close to the structure and whisper your claim, complain, fears, protest, hope, doubts, love, thought, and some forb...
2017.05.07 13:52The Mika show / Thailandyear: 2017location: New-Territories / Bangkok pathology: _ disruptive identification prop: 1.5x1x1.5 m / 300 kg Rubber Fiber Concrete / spec...